Pristyn Care
- Dwaraka Nagar
- No 47/7/20, 4th Lane
Dwaraka Nagar
Visakhapatnam - 530016 -
- Open 24 Hours
- Cash
- Cheque
- Debit Card
- Master Card
- Visa
- Surgical
Did we miss out on anything?Share what you like and what you don't like about working from home. The Most Loved Tip: You stay home, you stay safe. #stayhome #staysafe #onlineconsultation #doctoroncall #PhonePeDoctor #PristynCare #Lockdown2020 #workfromhome #quarantine #onlinehealth
The best qualities of a doctor are compassion, honesty, commitment, and empathy. You can find all these qualities in the doctors and surgeons of Pristyn Care. #lasertreatment #Health #healthcare #medical #painlesstreatment #Doctoronline #doctoroncall #doctors
Don't compromise with your health fearing to go out. Consult a doctor online and get the best of our healthcare services. For consultation Call:7428091056 #stayhomestaysafe #onlineconsultation #doctoroncall #PhonePeDoctor #PristynCare #Lockdown2020 #Quarantine #Doctoronline #Healthcare #coronavirus #covid_19
Say 'BINGO' if you tick 5. Screenshot our story and share your answers. #stayhomestaysafe #onlineconsultation #doctoroncall #PhonePeDoctor #PristynCare #Lockdown2020 #Bingo #SocialDistancing #Quarantine #covid #healthcare
Pristyn Care launches contact-less consultation to ensure both our patients and doctors stay safe.Now you can reach out to our healthcare experts on call without stepping out of your home. #stayhome #staysafe #onlineconsultation #doctoroncall #PhonePeDoctor #PristynCare #Lockdown2020 #coronavirus #covid #healthcare