Pristyn Care
- Pristyn Care Secunderabad
- H No 1 to 4, Plot No 87, Entrenchment Rd, East Marredpally
Hyderabad - 500026 - Beside ICICI
- Open 24 Hours
- Cash
- Cheque
- Debit Card
- Master Card
- Visa
- Surgical
You can now consult with Pristyn Care specialists through chat, call and get answers to all your medical queries from anywhere, anytime.Our doctors will spend quality time listening to your health concerns and medical history before providing you E-mail prescription and guidance. #Health #Healthcare #PhonePeDoctor #onlineconsultation #stayhome #staysafe #medical #medicine #Doctoronline #lockdown2020 #lockdown
The best qualities of a doctor are compassion, honesty, commitment, and empathy. You can find all these qualities in the doctors and surgeons of Pristyn Care. #lasertreatment #Health #healthcare #medical #painlesstreatment #Doctoronline #doctoroncall #doctors
Don't compromise with your health fearing to go out. Consult a doctor online and get the best of our healthcare services. For consultation Call:7428091056 #stayhomestaysafe #onlineconsultation #doctoroncall #PhonePeDoctor #PristynCare #Lockdown2020 #Quarantine #Doctoronline #Healthcare #coronavirus #covid_19