Pristyn Care
- Pristyn Care J P Nagar
- Marigold Square, ITI Layout, 1st Phase
J P Nagar
Bengaluru - 560078 -
- Open 24 Hours
- Cash
- Cheque
- Debit Card
- Master Card
- Visa
- Gynecologist
Planning to conceive? Want to know about your fertility window? Confused about your ovulating days? Here's some useful information to know about your period cycle which will help in planning to conceive. #ovulation #pregnantlife #pregnancy #motherhood #menstruation
Red, Orange, or GreySomething important your blood will always say!! If you find this informative, like, share, and tag your friends to make them aware of their health. #menstruation #periods #women #womenshealth #healthcare
VOICE FOR A HEALTHY INDIA Let's talk menstrual hygiene #Women #WomensHealth #menstruationmatters #healthcare #PristynCare
Let's say NO to menstruation stigma and YES to menstrual hygiene. PERIOD. #menstruation #menstrualhygieneday #menstrualcycle #period #womenshealth