17.48933552 78.400295

Pristyn Care

  • Store Ratings

    • 4.3
  • Pristyn Care Kukatpally
  • MIG 1/167, 3rd Floor, Insight Towers, Rd No 1
    Kukatpally Housing Board Colony
    Hyderabad - 500072
  • Opposite Prime Hospital
    • Open 24 Hours
    • Payment Method
    • Cash
    • Cheque
    • Debit Card
    • Master Card
    • Visa
  • Surgical Clinic

எங்கள் சிகிச்சைகள் உள்ளன Hyderabad, Telangana

எங்கள் நிபுணர் Hyderabad Telangana

மதிப்பீடுகள் & கணக்கிடுப்புகள்

  • 4.3
  • ikpp ramesh

    I had an amazing experience with Dr. P. Thrivikrama Rao and his team. The initial consultation with Nagaraj was very supportive and helped guide me through the process. Dr. Rao was extremely friendly and explained every detail about my condition and the surgery beforehand, which was reassuring. The surgery itself was painless and completed successfully in just 40 minutes. Remarkably, I experienced no pain for the next 48 hours. The hospital provided excellent care, ensuring a painless treatment and comfortable hospitalisation. During my recovery, Dr. Rao reviewed my progress, confirmed everything was healing well, and recommended continuing the same medication. He was always available to patiently address any of my questions about pain or medication, making the entire process stress-free. Now, two weeks after the surgery, I am completely pain-free and back to my routine, including driving. This was all possible because of Dr. Rao’s expertise, the initial consultation support from Nagaraj, and the hospital’s well-planned process. I highly recommend Dr. P. Thrivikrama Rao and the hospital for their exceptional surgical care!

  • Lokesh karri

    Good service

எங்களுடன் மேலும் கண்டறியவும்

பார்கிங் விருப்பங்கள்

  • Free parking on site
  • Off-site parking nearby
  • Street parking

பிரிஸ்தின் கேர் மருத்துவர்களின் மற்ற கிளினிக்கள்

வேலை நேரம்

  • திங்கள் 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
  • செவ்வாய்கிழமை 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
  • புதன்கிழமை 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
  • வியாழன் 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
  • வெள்ளிக்கிழமை 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
  • சனி 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
  • ஞாயிறு 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM

பிரிஸ்டின் கேர் திசையைப் பெறுங்கள்

பிரிஸ்டின் கேர் டாக்டர்கள் பற்றி

General surgeons at Pristyn Care are the best and well-known medical professionals in India. We follow world-class health care guidelines to treat diseases like Anal Fistulas, Fissures, Piles, Hemorrhoids, Bawaseer, Pilonidal Sinus, Hydrocele, Varicocele, Hernias, Gallstones, Circumcision and Varicose Veins. We use the latest and advanced medical devices along with USFDA approved surgical techniques to provide the utmost care and reduced risk of infection to all the patients. All our general surgeons are experts in providing the safest and risk-free surgeries like Laser Fistula Surgery, Laser Pilonidal Sinus Treatment, Laparoscopic Hydrocelectomy, Laser Piles Treatment, Laparoscopic Hernia Repair Surgery, Laser Circumcision, etc
The address of this clinic is MIG 1/167, 3rd Floor, Insight Towers, Rd No 1, Opposite Prime Hospital, Kukatpally Housing Board Colony, Hyderabad, Telangana.

அருகில் ப்ரிஸ்டின் கேர் டாக்டர்கள் கிளினிக்குகள்

Pristyn Care


Hyderabad - 500085


Pristyn Care


Hyderabad - 500081


Pristyn Care


Hyderabad - 500081


